Our July blog features a recap (and a link to) last month's workshop, notice of sales tax rate changes, a black business fund application, a statement about our commitment to DEI, and more.
Welcome & Introduction
Welcome to the Solutions For Small Businesses blog! Our blog comes out on the 1st of each month. We intend to use this blog as a safe space to share the many forward-thinking businesses and organizations that we support.
What’s going on with S4SB?
Recap of last month’s workshop
Last month we were pleased to host “Mind your own business!” - the first in a series of workshops to help expand understanding of the tools offered in Quickbooks. The focus of this workshop was to teach the basics of running and customizing a Profit & Loss and to learn how custom reports can be used for strategic business decisions and planning for the future. Knowing how to utilize these tools makes it quick and easy to see a snapshot of how your business is doing and where it is going!
If you had wanted to attend, but couldn’t make it that day, we’ve got your back! Just click the link below to access the recording. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/vh55kiK9stxlFzCqNagRRAvpsvWCYeDbkNr21v4ZjBpV1A1ELVO6BjJD2ob0kIAg.AlFmu4F0-8plCGBr?startTime=1623257056000

While we hope this workshop was helpful on its own, we’re hoping to inspire business owners to dive a bit deeper into their books. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss your P&L in detail or create custom reports that will help with your specific business, please give us a call. We’d be happy to help!
We hope you’ll join us for one of our future workshops (Balance Sheet 101 up next in August) and take advantage of this great opportunity to help your business thrive.
Sales Tax Rate Changes
The City of Eureka’s sales tax rate went up to 9.25% on 7/1/2021. If you’re a retailer in Eureka, and you haven’t already done so, adjust your POS system to reflect this new amount. Keep in mind that regardless of what you collect from your customers, you will be required to pay the full amount, so you’ll want to make sure that you’re charging correctly.
DEI Discussions & Community Opportunities
Juneteenth Black business Fund: Application Open Until July 24th, 2021
Hosted by Black Humboldt and The Eureka Chapter of the NAACP, with support provided by Humboldt County Community donations and The Humboldt Area Foundation. This fund is specifically for Black-owned Businesses, Black identifying independent contractors, and creators operating out of or serving Humboldt County. All funds received must be used on business-related expenses. Click here to see if you qualify. Click here to apply.
Black Community COVID Relief: Application Open Until Funds Run Out
Hosted by Black Humboldt and The Eureka Chapter of the NAACP with financial support from The Humboldt Area Foundation and Wild Rivers Foundation. This fund is to offset the negative effects COVID-19 has had on the Black Community of Humboldt County. Applicants must provide the need for past due bills, rent, mortgage, childcare, or other similar expenses. If you need help completing your application, please contact them directly at BlackHumboldt@gmail.com
Click here to apply.
The Inclusivity Project works to address institutional and systemic barriers to black entrepreneurship by helping to build black-owned businesses. Their mission statements explain the steps behind addressing this issue by starting with the truth, helping to break down financial barriers, and working to create transformative economic equality within our generation. Do you want to find out more about what this means? Check out https://theinclusivityproject.com
In case you missed it, last month was pride month. As summarized by Bustle, Pride month is a commemoration of the fight for queer liberation, led by transgender women and femmes of color. Over 50 years after the Stonewall Riots, many activist groups and charities continue that work all year round, not just in June. Join the work by donating to many different organizations listed here.
My commitment, by Katherine
After going through the DEI training that we did as a team, I decided to commit to reading only books by Black authors this year. I’m also trying out more content in a variety of media from Black artists - music, online forums, essays, movies, whatever. What strikes me is how much I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Experiencing stories from the perspective of those who live it, rather than hearing white people talk about it, goes a little deeper. While I can never really know what it’s like to be Black in America, I am learning a little bit more, every day. I’m trying to stay humble, keep my mind open, and constantly look for opportunities to make changes for the better.
The book I’m reading now, by Heather McGhee, is called The Sum of Us. I highly recommend it. The author talks about how racism hurts all of us, and perhaps more importantly, how we can all do so much better by working together.
Please share your favorite books with us.
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