About Us
Katherine Almy

When I started this business in 2012, I really didn’t know where it was going to take me. I just knew that I enjoyed bookkeeping, I was good at it, and a lot of people needed a good bookkeeper. As it happens, more people than I could take care of on my own. So, I found a few other people who like this line of work.
We now have a team of four, very competent bookkeepers, an indispensable client support person, and a wonderfully creative and talented graphic artist. We work as a team, teaching each other new skills, sharing cute pictures of our pets, trading information, and supporting each other when our cars won’t start or we’ve locked ourselves out of the office (never happens to me!).
Every business needs a bookkeeper, but most business owners don’t really love doing it. The kind of personality that makes a good bookkeeper (nerdy, has relationships with computers, gets a kick out of organizing stacks of paper), isn’t what makes a great entrepreneur (outgoing, ambitious, full of creative ideas). So, we make a great team with our clients. They get to spend their time doing what they are passionate about, and we get to live vicariously through them while we keep their books in order.
Connie Smith
Helping small business owners keep up with the pace of business today is an exciting field, and I'm honored to be part of Katherine's growing team of bookkeepers. The economic challenges of 2020 call for specialized responses based on the unique needs of small businesses in rural areas. With my background in the fluctuating economies of retail and real estate, I am familiar with the importance of organization, customer service, and modern technology in assisting North Coast businesses survive and thrive-together.

Kiani Akiona

Charlotte (Charlie) Maupin
As a full-time Humboldt State University student, I became the Graphics Specialist for S4SB in May of 2020. I wanted to find a business that would allow me to continue to build my graphic design portfolio and explore my creative skills. S4SB was just the place. I love that I get to work with a team of intelligent, fun, and organized women who take my ideas and run with them. I have been able to redesign our website, develop ads, videos, and client resources since I started in May. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this talented team.
Graphics Specialist
I moved from the Big Island of Hawai'i to Humboldt County in 2010, which was one of the best decisions I've ever made! I love the small community, beautiful redwoods, and the fact that it led me to destiny of being a bookkeeper (even though it took me a while to figure that out). I absolutely love math, being organized, and I have learned so much from our awesome team of intelligent women! Although Humboldt County will always be near and dear to my heart, I have moved back to the Big Island in 2020 and I am proud to bring Solutions for Small Businesses' amazing services to my island home! Since we do all of our work online anyway, the Humboldt clients I work with don't even know I'm hundreds of miles away.

Kate Lang Salazar
As a native of Humboldt County, I’ve had the pleasure of growing up in this wonderfully creative community. I have run my own 2 small businesses for the past 20 years and have especially enjoyed creating personal relationships and a sense of community with my clients and students. Working with people, connecting them with resources and helping empower their dreams is very rewarding. I am excited to have joined the team of smart, creative and thoughtful women at S4SB, and to be able to assist our community of small businesses as they enhance the rich experience we all enjoy here in Humboldt.
Client Support
Georgia Sliker
With a background in fine arts and crafts, I have a love for deep perspective and details. I received my fiscal training in bookkeeping from Katherine at College of the Redwoods in 2018. From there, I had had the privilege of bookkeeping for a local non-profit. In 2021, I was delighted to begin a new bookkeeping chapter in my career with the S4SB team of awe-inspiring women! I am truly grateful for the opportunity at S4SB to contribute to the success and health of small businesses, which in turn, make our community so unique and beautiful!